JASPER - Medicine Lake PredawnEdith Cavell SunsetJASPER - Maligne Lake Journey BeginsBANFF- Moraine Lake Lonely CanoeBANFF - Waterfowl Lake and Mt ChephrenICELAND - Skogafoss AloneBANFF -Moraine Lake Reflectioncomp Y38ee.jpgYUKON - Arctic FoxYUKON - LynxEDMONTON - Art Gallery of AlbertaEDMONTON - Blue HourEDMONTON - Alberta LegislatureEDMONTON - High Level Bridgeam23e comp.jpgam7e comp.jpgJASPER - WeddingJASPER - Pyramid Lake WeddingEDMONTON - Family SummerEDMONTON - Family SunsetEDMONTON - Young Girl with DandelionEDMONTON - Young Girl with BearEDMONTON - Maternity WaitingEDMONTON - Young Girl FrecklesWATERTON - Engagement

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